Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Kindergarten Closure

Today I FINALLY got around to organizing Noah's Kindergarten paperwork. For us, that means keeping important papers, pictures, artwork, tests, and notes from his kindergarten year and organizing them into a binder. We have one from preschool, and I plan to keep one from each year during his school process. Especially in the beginning of school when he is rapidly improving on his handwriting and completing numerous art projects. This is a fun process for both Noah and I. We had a great time recalling stories about his old friends and his teachers. A few things that stood out to me were his math tests (all 100%), and his handwriting (it was fabulous and now he rushes through his writing). Afterwards, Noah spent time looking through all of his work and reminiscing about life at SHF!

1 comment:

  1. This is such a great idea! Did you start saving artwork when they were little too? I have one of those artwork clotheslines hanging in Xavier's room, but I haven't decided what to do with it then? I need to get organized like you!

