Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Chasing a Costume

Yes, it is not even the middle of September, but those of you moms with young kids know that Halloween costumes need to be purchased by now....or VERY soon! The boys know what they want to be, and so today I was on a city search for costumes. Okay, so I only went to two stores and here is what I've come up with.

Caleb needs to wait until the end of this week or early next week for another shipment to come in. Currently the largest I can find his costume is 18 mos. He squeezed it on at the store today and looked SO CUTE! We will wait for a size 3....

Noah needs to pick a new costume. I have only found one that he wants and it is $149.00 on eBay. :) We will begin guiding him to other options tonight.

Tune in to see how they end up!

1 comment:

  1. Did Caleb ever wear Noah's old costumes? Does that make me a bad mom if I do that? I still need to figure out something for Xavier too!

