Monday, August 10, 2009

First Day of First Grade

The start of the school year has arrived in AZ. Today is Noah's first day of first grade. As we arrived closer and closer to today's date, I put on a good front. Noah's nerves began to ease, and mine were skyrocketing. I think I almost had a panic attack last night. The kids were asleep, as was Eric. Lying in bed, my mind was racing. My gut was tossing and turning over thoughts of Noah being lost at school, or forgetting his lunch money, kids not being nice to him, or not understanding what he is saying (thanks to his slight lisp). Tears were rolling down my face. I felt like something was crushing down on my chest making it difficult for me to breathe. I was out of control. Pathetic. My first melt down since the move.

I'm still nervous for him. I can't "protect" him and his emotions while he is at school. It hurt ME so bad last year when the 1st grader laughed at Noah for pulling his pants down too far while using the urinal. I know everything will be fine (hopefully?!?). I need to relax. I need a distraction. I need a drink!

Today is a new day. Noah is safe at school and was smiling, feeling great as we left. He is so stinking cute....and brave! Good luck Noah!
Breathe Mom.


  1. He's so cute!!! I started crying reading this post. I'll be calling you in a few years when Chloe is there!!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. He looks so grown up!
    It is so hard letting them go out into the big, mean world. I feel the same, I always want to protect them :)

