Monday, September 10, 2012

Caleb and Soccer

Our little man....or now, I guess he is our middle man....has really taken to the game of soccer this season.  He is one of the older boys on the team, and for the first time since he started playing in Arizona, he is "getting it."  So far in 3 games, he has played only 7 quarters and he has scored 11 goals.  He has completely done a 180 in that he used to be the child skipping in circles in the corner, picking at weeds in the grass.  (And this was as recent as 3 months ago.)  Today he was literally dribbling in circles around the the other kids, including those on his own team.  All of the boys were in a herd just following Caleb as he weaved through them all and around the field.  I went from the positively cheering mom on the sideline, internally wishing my child would just "get in there" and play his hardest and start scoring some now being the positively cheering mom on the sideline internally wishing my child wouldn't try so hard and stop scoring so many goals.  Don't get me wrong, I am proud of my boy.  Maybe these feelings are simply because I know what it fells like to be on the other end of the spectrum.
None the less....way to go Caleb!  Keep up the good soccer skills!

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