Tuesday, March 6, 2012

8 Months Old!

Jonah is developing so fast at this age.
In the last month, his army crawl has grown into an all out sprint on all fours.
He stands up by pulling up on anything that can hold his weight...and if it can't he comes crashing down!
He has even mastered the downward dog.
He attempts to crawl upstairs, although we always deter him after the first step so we are unsure of just how far he can go.
He explores everything with his mouth.  If he can gets his hands on it...it is going in his mouth!

New rules in our house include, always close the bathroom doors, homework must stay on the table, and no coins on the floor!


  1. OMG we love baby Jonah!! Those legs are too much :) Chelsea is asking me to watch the video again, so we will be spending our Friday night watching Baby Jonah :)
    - Jen

    1. Dateline was a good one too! :)
      Baby Jonah is a chunky monkey, that's for sure! I need to get some better videos on here for Chels!

