Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Kid Talk

Noah, "How are babies borned?"
Me, "From their mommies."
Noah, "No. Uh, I mean, um. What kind of clothes do they wear?"
Me, "Babies are born naked."
Noah, "Unh-uh"
Me, "Uh-huh."
Caleb, "I was borned with a diaper."
Noah, "I think I had shorts and a t-shirt."
Me, "We were all born naked."
Caleb, "Mom had a binky."
Noah, "Do they give you free clothes?"
Me, "In the hospital babies usually have on a diaper, a shirt, and a hat."
Noah, "That's nice. Naked is embarrassed."
Caleb, "Naked butt, naked butt."

Good talk.

1 comment:

  1. I am so so so happy we started naked butt when KJ was little!!! Makes me smile.....I even love it when my kids say it:)

