Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Quick Update

I feel like we (me) are drowning in...happenings. I don't even know what. But in order to keep a connection with our loyal followers (aka our Moms :)), I have to give a brief update on what has been going on. Hopefully some of these happenings will get more attention on the blog very soon.

WE CLOSED ON OUR HOUSE!!!!!! That is a huge story and will take some time to create...and probably multiple posts. As of this moment one third of one room has been primed. Not even painted yet. We don't have to be out of our current house until the end of June....plenty of time. :)

We bought a new (used) car. The Taurus has served us well, but it was time to go. She blew a head gasket and it was going to cost us 1/2 the price of buying a new car just to get her fixed. Ugh. We were trying to go for another month with only one car, but it was not happening. Read on.

I have started working "full time" minus Fridays. I love working in the office where I do and have thus been sucked into, ahem, I mean agreed to work 8-5 M-Th. Eric has been doing well with keeping the kids up on their home work and getting them to all of their activities.

Caleb has taken a step back in potty training. He has had two accidents at school recently. Most likely a result of Mom working out of the house and traveling recently. (That was hard to admit.)

Noah has been wrapping up all sorts of activities. Tball and basketball are over...trophies collected...and the last chess class was all fun and games. He also has his first oral presentation in class today. He gave a thumbs up and said g-o-o-d, when asked how it went.

School ends for both boys next week and end of school activities are in full swing.

Swim classes have begun for both kids. Noah is working on his technique, side breathing, etc. Caleb is hysterical trying to swim while his teacher is pushing survival skills, like floating.

Our extended family here seems just as busy. Megs is reading like crazy! T just wrapped up basketball and flag football. And Corey is ending his freshman year in HS with straight A's thus far. Pretty cool stuff. They have massive construction going on at their new house and the kids LOVE to play in the dirt when we get together.

We'll keep you posted...gotta run. Change the laundry, load the dishwasher, let the dog out......

Oh yeah, and Eric is leaving for Hawaii next week. Looking for last minute babysitters to help while I work. Any takers?

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