Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Can I Clone This Kid?

Tuesday nights are mine and Noah's favorite night. We LOVE to watch The Biggest Loser. Noah cracks me up because he knows the name of each contestant and remembers everything from earlier in the season. While watching The Biggest Loser tonight, Susie Orman was a special guest. They were talking about finances and played a game where the contestants were able to win money, $1000 for each question they answered correct. Later in the show, something happy or good happened and Noah asked, "Does she get $1000?"
I replied, "No babe, it's not about the money."
To which Noah responded, "Oh yeah, they want to get skinny."
Me, "Well it's about getting healthy."
Noah, "Yeah, get skinny."
Me, "Well since these people were so large, healthy for them is skinnier, yes. There is such a thing as too skinny that is not healthy."
Noah, "So they wanna be like you mom, you're perfect."

I love this kid!

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