Friday, August 14, 2009

Under the Weather

My early assessment of Caleb missing Noah at school has turned out to be a bit off. I did notice he was a little warm on Tuesday and again Wednesday morning. His temperature was reading about 99.4 at the time. By Wed night it hit the fan! He has been registering temperatures of at least 101 and up to 103.7 since then. They do drop with medicine and then spike again about 4 hours later. He is currently on a Ggatorade and cheezit diet. That is the only thing he will eat and it is usually about 2 a.m. when he eats it! The doctor says it is a some sort of summer fever virus and will probably last about 5 days. Say what?!?....excuse me? FIVE DAYS!?!? So here we are. Day #3. Current temp 100.7. Current status....

Oh Monday....where are you?

Meanwhile, Noah jumped off the bus with his friend, tossed me his backpack and said, "Mom, can I go to Max's?" He is our next door neighbor from Germany who is also a first grader at Noah's school. (different classroom though) Thank heaven for friendly neighbors!

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