Thursday, August 7, 2014

A Lot More Cousin Fun! (in Pictures)

Hiking Kokohead!  Aunt T was counting….

 Everyone made it!
 New graffiti at the top. :)
Our house is in this shot!

 We played shadow puppets for a minute. 
And on the way down….mom lost concentration for a split second and I snapped my ankle.  Ouch! 
Volleyball in Waikiki!
 Dad dominated :)
 Then sunset and fireworks...
 Noah swam through the fireworks.
 Car selfie. :)
The evolution of the swollen ankle….at Kailua beach park. 

 Wil and Kate kayaked for a long time!  Add that to her already illness, and she was beat!
 Dad had a turn with Noah….
 …and with Caleb.
We also took a sail cruise and snorkel adventure along the westside of Oahu.  The scenery is just crazy! 

We saw dolphins and these crazy flying fish!

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