Monday, August 19, 2013

School Days

The school year is back in full swing here in Hawaii.  The boys just began their third week of school today and things are already rolling right along.....whether we are ready for them or not!  Fifth grade homework for Noah is already starting to pile up, but so far, so good, and Caleb is breezing through his 1st grade work.
Here they are together after school one day during their first week.  That's right, I took no picture of them before school on their first day.  Judge me.   I think Eric may have snapped one of them waiting for the elevator that first day.  Perhaps I shall get a hold of it one day.

The best part about the above picture is that it was taken well after school let out...after we had drove halfway home.....and after Noah realized he forgot one of his books for we had to turn around and drive back to school.  Not such a big deal....unless you live 25 minutes away from school (on a good day).

Jonah is enjoying his alone time with Mom and Bushia.  I'm sure he is ready for me to head back to class so he can dominate Bushia's days!  As always, he is still Mr. Independent when it comes to EVERYTHING!

Dad and I went to open house for the boys' school last week.  We were bombarded with information and PYP International Baccalaureate Curriculum.  Just thankful that we have good kids who LOVE school.  We were also able to sneak in a family dinner at an old favorite, The Shack, before the evening began.

And finally, a picture for the Selter side of the family, who often asks about the kiddos on my side of the fam.  These three are hardly kiddos at all anymore.  Here are the Ohler children on their first day of 11th, 9th, and 7th grade! Miss these big kiddos terribly!

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