Monday, July 1, 2013

Jonah Turns 2!

Yesterday was Jonah's 2nd birthday.  It is so hard to believe that he is already two years old!  It is very cliché to say it, but it does seem like just yesterday Eric and I were entertaining the thought of a third child.  Wondering how another child could possibly fit into our already perfect, two little boys, family of four.  Well here he two years old, and as perfect as can be!
Some of his current favorites are reading books, trucks, Elmo, trains, eating, golf clubs, the iPad, swimming, taking out the trash, and anything that involves Noah, Caleb, or Bushia!
He says lots of words, runs, throws balls, and catches.....sometimes, attempts to dribble a basketball, rides a three wheeled scooter and a tricycle, can jump....barely getting both feet off the ground, climbs every ladder/structure at the playground, and is currently trying to learn how to armpit fart.  Oh the joys of having 2 older brothers!  He is also almost potty trained.  This was something that just came about almost a month ago, after almost two years of watching everyone else in the house use a toilet.  Jonah finally decided he was ready.  I have yet to really commit to potty training yet.  But with my minimal effort, he is now wearing big boy undies at home and on several outings out of the house (accidentally) and has only had a handful of accidents.  Boys are so easy to take potty anywhere!  As soon as we get to Noah's basketball practice, Jonah points to the bushes and yells, "Shi-shi!," attempting to remove his pants.  Classy kid.  But oh so cute.
Birthday morning and he wasn't sure what to do about the crepe paper across his he just crawled under it!
 He knew exactly what to do with the hanging balloon though!
 After some encouraging from his brothers, he smashed through the paper!
 8:00 a.m. = cake time!
 I'm 2!
 Time for presents...

 Yummy cake!
The best part about a two year old is that mom still gets to choose the cake flavor....yellow cake with chocolate icing in the fridge!  My fave. 
 Oh, just reading some cards from my family!
 Later we headed into Waikiki for some lunch and beach time!
 with dessert!

 Waikiki was packed....summer is here! 
 Now that is one tired, two year old....napping in his undies! Love.
Giant feet, by the way....

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